Solutions journalism: New ways of elevating your reporting and engaging audiences
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Welcome to the on-demand course "Solutions journalism: New ways of elevating your reporting and engaging audiences" from the Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas at the University of Texas at Austin, in partnership with Solutions Journalism Network, support from the Knight Foundation. This four-week course was taught by Hugo Balta and took place from May 8 - June 4, 2023.
In this course, you will the key principles of solutions journalism. What is it? What is it not? Why is it important? And how to make it happen, from idea to reporting to completed story.
Our platform is very simple and easy to navigate. You can move to the Introduction module or to any of the four weekly modules by clicking on "Introduction" or "Module 1," "Module 2," etc. Leading up to the start date of each module, you'll see a list of items that will be covered during that week. Once the module begins, you'll have access to the items.
Module 4: Building solutions journalism into your workflow
For many journalists, the idea of solutions journalism resonates immediately. However some need clarification on the approach. In this module, we’ll discuss how to bring solutions journalism into your newsroom in a sustained way.
This module will cover:
- Dispelling misconceptions about solutions journalism
- The solutions whisperer
- Propose a story/series
- Measuring success
Guest Speaker: Swati Sanyal Tarafdar, freelance, Solutions Journalism Network LEDE fellow, India
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