How would you start building a robust solutions practice in your newsroom?

How would you start building a robust solutions practice in your newsroom?

par Sonny Inbaraj Krishnan,
Nombre de réponses : 0

Based on my previous experience as a daily newspaper editor, I would do the following:

1. Find out about solutions journalism. First, find out what it is and what it is not. This will help me, my desk editors, and my best writers, learn what solutions journalism is and how it works.

2. Give solutions journalism top priority: In my newsroom, it would be smart to give solutions journalism top priority. This could mean spending time and money on stories about getting answers.

3. Do solutions writing:  Since practice makes perfect, I will start encouraging my desk editors, reporters and writers to do solutions writing. This could mean that they start with short stories and then move on to ones that are longer and more involved.

4. Look for good cases of solutions reporting: Look for models of good solutions journalism, like news sites that have sections about it. This can help give thoughts and direction to the editors and writers at my desk.

5. Add "solutions journalism" to the workflow process: For example, desk editors and reporters and writers could work together to come up with ideas for solutions journalism stories, or a beat could be set up for solutions reporting.