Practice of solutions journalism

Practice of solutions journalism

de Modnath Dhakal -
Número de respuestas: 6

It will start from talking about the solutions journalism with colleagues, seniors and editorial chiefs, as well as the photojournalists. Some solutions story might need collaboration with colleagues and editors. Since it is more time consuming and costly as well, editors should be ready to allow the reporters to do the story on the first hand. Reporters should also find a really good story to pitch so that there would be less chance to be rejected. 

Reporters interested in solutions journalism can discuss their issue in the newsroom in order to solicit new dimensions on the issue. Such discussions might increase interest in colleagues about solutions journalism, thus, impacting the practice in the long-run. 

En respuesta a Modnath Dhakal

Re: Practice of solutions journalism

de Hugo Balta -

Collaboration is certainly key to success. The more members of the newsroom that are involved in producing solutions journalism, the greater the chances the initiative will be successful.
En respuesta a Hugo Balta

Re: Practice of solutions journalism

de Modnath Dhakal -
Thank you Hugo for this response. However, collaborations are rare in the newsrooms of our region. There is neither cross-media nor cross-country collaboration. It is so because most of the news media are understaffed, and it has further worsened in the post Covid situation. Filling the time and space of media has become the top most priority. 
However, a couple of media outlets still putting their efforts to tell the tale of the grassroots and marginalised. 
This might have already come to you notice, though! 
En respuesta a Modnath Dhakal

Re: Practice of solutions journalism

de Dana McMakin -
I appreciate your response, Modnath, because I work in a classroom rather than a newsroom and so keep thinking how I can help students feel empowered to promote SOJO given that they will not yet have a lot of credibility. But all of them can have a really good story to pitch and all can at least talk about it.
En respuesta a Modnath Dhakal

Re: Practice of solutions journalism

de Kitab Unango -
I agree to this points especially when the media house administrations are will to accept change
En respuesta a Modnath Dhakal

Re: Practice of solutions journalism

de Zain Amir -
Your idea of collaborating is very good. People from different walks of life can be also included so the idea of research and solutions can be more expanded.