M4: Discussion Forum 2: Based on the material we have gone through so far, how would you start building a robust solutions practice in your newsroom?

M4: Discussion Forum 2: Based on the material we have gone through so far, how would you start building a robust solutions practice in your newsroom?

por Ramatu Gingo -
Número de respostas: 0

To build a robust solutions practice, I would consider the following in a newsroom:

  • My first plan would be to focus on a response to a social problem considering the four pillars of solutions journalism (responses, insight, evidence, limitations) and the three phases of a solutions journalism (planning, execution, processing the story).
  • Next, set specific standards of investigation. Thus,  form a small group on-line and field to interact with representatives  (NGOs,  experts  community members etc) to have in-depth investigation in order to fill key gabs in the coverage. This will lead to how issues were dealt with and who achieved the best result with evidence to demonstrate effective strategies.  
  • Slice the bigger problems to smaller issues and allow some time for reporters who are solutions oriented to deal with the issue at hand. As a result, it will highlight quality solutions to report.
  • Educate reporters to refrain from practicing old habits of reporting and try to engage audiences at all stages. Give update on solutions that cease to work and change public debates. 
  • Also, educate reporters to invest resources into stories and examine coverage as it can generate high revenue to newsrooms to attain their sustainability goals.
  • Advice reporters to avoid jargons and correct errors accordingly.
  • Reward reporters to motivate their good work done.