Strategic pitching as a freelancer

Strategic pitching as a freelancer

por Irina Wang -
Número de respostas: 3

I'm not associated with a newsroom, but as a freelancer I'll start by weaving in some basic principles learned in this course within a solutions journalism pitch. Since I now better understand why editors are often wary of PR-esque pitches and may have a negative association with lazy one-sided "solutions" precedent pieces, I can try to write my pitch in a way that reassures them my approach to a given topic is valid and valuable.

Em resposta à Irina Wang

Re: Strategic pitching as a freelancer

por James Hall -
Irina, I'm also a freelancer, and I agree that it can be challenging to pitch solutions journalism to publications due to the dislike of advocacy journalism (but I can understand where they are coming from).

I've also definitely found this course helpful in terms of upping my game and especially in incorporating solutions journalism into my writing and in refining pitches.
Em resposta à James Hall

Re: Strategic pitching as a freelancer

por Jennifer Hattam -
From a freelance perspective, I think solutions journalists can help come up with novel angles to often-covered topics, or a different way to approach the news of the day that is already been covered by staffers -- at least I hope so!