just do it ...

just do it ...

de verena ahne -
Número de respuestas: 2
To be honest, I do not exactly see SJ as that different from "old-school" reporting or storytelling, except for the explicit solution-oriented focus -- although this was always a possible framing for a story, was it not?
I (therefor) do not see big difficulties to establish solutions stories in newsrooms -- a good story is a good story, and good stories will be bought --, as long as there are newsrooms that are still open for old-style reporting: i.e., will either let their employees take the time for solid research and reporting, or are willing to pay decent fees for time-consuming pieces of freelancers, respectively.

I (therefor) don't think the issue is "SJ or not".

I rather think the main bottleneck nowadays is how newsrooms/-desks and -papers can afford true reporting: invest (time, effort & money) in finding data / issues / themes themselves instead of simply let people rewrite news agency posts; to leave the newsroom and talk to real-life people instead of just use quotes from press releases; to take pictures, video footage etc, or send a photographer / film maker along, instead of just using cheap'n'easy stock photos...

When they are open for that, they will be open for Sol Stories.

En respuesta a verena ahne

Re: just do it ...

de Carolin Küter -
I totally agree Verena! With a lot of the positive examples for good sojo stories I thought, these is just very solid and profound reporting. That of course is not an argument against solutions journalism but rather the opposite: Maybe this relatively new approach can help newsrooms concentrate on the journalistic virtues you mentioned (solid research, talk to real-life people involved with the matter) and in the same time find a way to be more appealing to readers, speaking of (bad) news fatigue? Maybe this can help to implement this practice in newsrooms: to highlight that reporters will be able to do their job as they learned and like and to get better feedback from readers/viewers? Although, newsrooms of course still have to be open to finance this kind of work....
En respuesta a verena ahne

Re: just do it ...

de Fernando Cortes -
I believe that starting with pilot projects is a crucial step in building a robust solutions journalism practice in our newsroom. Pilot projects allow us to dip our toes into the waters of solutions journalism without a full-scale commitment right off the bat. They provide a practical, hands-on way for our team to understand what solutions journalism entails and how it differs from our usual reporting.