Implement it in my stories and they will join me

Implement it in my stories and they will join me

por Katie Camarena -
Número de respostas: 0

Build it and they will come. Implement solutions practice in my own stories and show them results (based on a/b testing of stories shared via email with analytics and traffic data). 

The idea of moving away from the hypothetical to the operational really resonated with me. Identifying and planning stories with a solutions focus and taking the time and resources I need - one story at a time - is where I plan to start. If I can show positive results from my approach, I hope to be able to bring more colleagues along with me and start to bed down the practice and break down the old attitudes that have thus far stymied any efforts to change the way we do things. This course has given me hope and I am excited about the new challenge that lays ahead. Thank you!