Based on the material we have gone through so far, how would you start building a robust solutions practice in your newsroom?

Based on the material we have gone through so far, how would you start building a robust solutions practice in your newsroom?

by Yaseen Bardien -
Number of replies: 5

The first step is to ensure that everyone knows that solutions journalism is all about robust and rigorous reporting. In order for this to be achieved, there has to be a level of respect and everyone needs to be on the same page in order for us to get down to work in an effective manner.

It is also vital for any newsroom to have good planning, processing and execution. For example, spreading positivity is a great morale booster and if one shows good examples of solutions journalism, then the team will feel motivated to learn more. I would ensure that there is proper planning in place to ensure everyone knows what they are doing and that everything runs smoothly.

When it comes to processing, we need to examine our coverage priorities such as what are the relevant stories to process to our audience. Find different angles to stories that others have not yet been said to engage the audience. The team should also always attempt to find the “solutions” angle to a story by asking people such as the editor or even a work colleague. Designate these people at different desks to get the best outcome.

Lastly when it comes to execution, we need to always ask the team to be mindful of the solution lenses and bring it to coverage of the stories. I would also try to encourage more positive stories to spread more positivity. To add a little spice, add a reward for one who does the best solution story, based on which story has the most page views or has the biggest impact on the problem. It is also advisable to do follow ups on stories to keep the audience engaged and to show that we are always on the ball.

In reply to Yaseen Bardien

Re: Based on the material we have gone through so far, how would you start building a robust solutions practice in your newsroom?

by Ibrahim Umoru A -
Amazing summation there.
In reply to Yaseen Bardien

Re: Based on the material we have gone through so far, how would you start building a robust solutions practice in your newsroom?

by Farah Jallad -
In reply to Yaseen Bardien

Re: Based on the material we have gone through so far, how would you start building a robust solutions practice in your newsroom?

by Dilara Afifi -
Well said Yaseen. I loved how explained and implemented the 3 stages of how you could successfully adapt a solution journalism approach on a daily basis workflow. Thanks for your post and thoughts.
In reply to Yaseen Bardien

Re: Based on the material we have gone through so far, how would you start building a robust solutions practice in your newsroom?

by azza kenawy -
agree with what you mentioned
Good words
In reply to Yaseen Bardien

Re: Based on the material we have gone through so far, how would you start building a robust solutions practice in your newsroom?

by Phillip Chinkhokwe -
I guess this is best approach to adapting SOJO in the newsrooms. Thank you Yaseen