Reuters timeline on migrants and Libya

Reuters timeline on migrants and Libya

de Usuario eliminado -
Número de respuestas: 3

I found this timeline in a Reuters investigation very helpful:

It gave dates and headlines on what was happening in Libya. Then it provided links to stories, which you can click on if you wanted more info. If not, you can still read in chronological order what was happening and when, and how and why Gaddafi's fall led to mass chaos for migrants and Europe later on.

Anything that is simple to read is best for me. I love it if you can click on a link for more because not everyone wants to read that extra information but it's also important that it's there. 

En respuesta a Usuario eliminado

Re: Reuters timeline on migrants and Libya

de Usuario eliminado -

This interactivity is important to attract and draw the readers' attention to the story.
Bringing several pages on a subject allows for greater knowledge of form and more organized. When using too much clustered information.

En respuesta a Usuario eliminado

Re: Reuters timeline on migrants and Libya

de Yazmin Velasco Ledesma -

Thanks for the tip. Is really useful, I think that anyone to read this can choose between to an "easy" report or a most detailed investigation, and let to the reader that decision.