

by Deleted user -
Number of replies: 2

I really enjoyed this one about gerrymandering. The nationwide map in different colors was helpful to understand but I wish the headline was clearer about what should be in the graphic. I wish there was a way to scroll over the map and see how the districts should be and which ones are gerrymandered. That would be clearer.

In reply to Deleted user

Re: Gerrymandering

by Deleted user -

That is a great visualization and provides so much information. It is interesting that in the reading, the author recommended not including essential information in hovering pop-ups but to have everything spelled out on the page. I think this is a great example of how embedded more information into the graphic adds necessary depth to the story, plus the layout almost forces a reader to hover and learn more about their state. 

In reply to Deleted user

Re: Gerrymandering

by Deleted user -

That is a really great use of data visualization! Thanks for sharing the link, Kristen.

Regarding your point, it is really difficult to say how districts should be as that is open to debate. I believe it's the reason they give the reader the option to pick different goals instead of offering a single "ungerrymandered" map.