Spread of corona virus

Spread of corona virus

por Usuário excluído -
Número de respostas: 16

Here’s a very recent example of how data journalism has been used, both for gathering the information and the visualization to show how the corona virus covid-19 is spreading: https://www.svt.se/datajournalistik/har-sprider-sig-coronaviruset/ I think the graphs tell quite a lot even if you don’t know the language which can be another advantage with data visualizations.

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Re: Spread of corona virus

por miriam sperb -

A nice example of how data journalism and data visualization can efficiently communicate. Sometimes I think wether texts are still necessary, because bar charts, graphics and maps communicate so clearly. For example, I read today that South Korea and Italia were countries where the virus was spreading fastly. But these link gave me another and much better view of the situation.

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Re: Spread of corona virus

por Usuário excluído -
Dear Asa,

Thank you for sharing this link and I think you stated a very valid point about understanding the graph. It reminded me of Simon Scarr's article when he said that he liked to test his graphs and designs on people who do not know anything about the story or news to see if they can still comprehend it.

Kind regards,


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Re: Spread of corona virus

por Usuário excluído -

Excellent point about visualizations being helpful, even when you don't know the language.

In the example below, the scientific language in the article was unfamiliar to me, but the chart clearly put into perspective how contagious COVID-19 is expected to be compared to other diseases.

The text of the article discusses diseases' R0s, explaining that an R0 is "a quantity scientists use to measure how a disease spreads through a population." While the article offers R0 comparisons (the R0 for COVID-19 is estimated to be between 1.4 and 4; the R0 for measels is between 12 and 18), I found the visual expression of these comparisons to be much easier to grasp.

The chart is simple, clear, and worth checking out:  


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Re: Spread of corona virus

por Usuário excluído -

Yes. The data is well used on the report and straight to the point. I could understand the data graphics there even though I don't understand the language.

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Re: Spread of corona virus

por Usuário excluído -

Thank you for sharing this link, as it is essential at this time, in regards to the widespread of Coronavirus

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Re: Spread of corona virus

por Usuário excluído -

Thank you for sharing that example!

I am sharing here another one about the virus in South Korea:



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Re: Spread of corona virus

por Usuário excluído -

I like this one, but I was wanting a "play" button rather than having to click all the way through the data points.

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Re: Spread of corona virus

por Usuário excluído -
As someone who doesn't know the language, I can confirm the charts were still informative and interesting to look at. Thanks for sharing!
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Re: Spread of corona virus

por Usuário excluído -

The data was easy to understand and to the point. The bar graph showcased the danger of this virus in comparison to others. It was informative article.

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Re: Spread of corona virus

por Usuário excluído -

I totally agree with Asa.

I also find presentation discontinuous.  By adding a few photos and connecting the data with related side by side visualization might have given a more powerful message.

Just a thought.