Violence in Brazil

Violence in Brazil

de Usuario eliminado -
Número de respuestas: 1

I enjoyed this an ambitious data project that involved a partnership between G1 media group, the Center for the Study of Violence and the Brazilian Forum on Public Security. They recorded and investigated the 1,195 violent deaths - homicide, femicide, police shootings, deaths in robberies and suicide - that took place over a week in Brazil. Some 230 journalists then worked to tell the stories of the people behind the statistics in this "death epidemic":

The information is presented in a number of different ways. A video contains snapshots of some of the dead with a map (also available separately) that is updated as murders are reported. The photos of many of the dead were collected and presented, and there are a number of explainer articles that break down the deaths.

En respuesta a Usuario eliminado

Re: Violence in Brazil

de Rodrigo Nunes Lois -

I was going to suggest that example, also. It is a good example to show the complexity of violent deaths in Brazil and the problem with public security.