Email clippings, interactive map, docs, photos, screengrab and a videos

Email clippings, interactive map, docs, photos, screengrab and a videos

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Last year, the NYT ran an investigation on the U.S. Transportation Secretary, Elaine Chao, and potential conflicts of interest between her government position and her family's shipping company in China. The story is quite long and includes numerous ties and potential conflicts of interest between Chao, her government post, and her family's shipping business. 

In all honesty, had it not been for the multitude of visual and interactive data offered in the story -- email clippings, an interactive map of shipping routes with a rotating globe, a video, screengrabs -- I might not have made it all the way through the 4,000+ word story. The visual components, as well as the fascinating data presented in the shipping routes interactive chart, really highlighted the depths of the reporting and made the story's presentation memorable for me some 6+ months since reading it. 
