Hi everyone!
So, here's the set of articles and visualizations from the story about phone tracking I talked about in my other post in Module 4.
Link: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2019/12/19/opinion/location-tracking-cell-phone.html
What they did best? I think that conveying the message they wanted to tell is definitely one of the main features of these visualizations. Even though the data were quite precise collections of mobile pings with geological data attached to them, this exact precision is toned down to dots on a map and creating lines to connect them to create presumed paths. There is beauty in simplicity and that's the key here. These visualizations won't give you exact coordinates or latitude to work with yourself, but as an average reader, you usually do not need it. They show you what the data represent and how it can be used to track someone, you, officials, everyone. The visuals themselves are nice and uncluttered in terms of complexity, but they are sometimes cluttered in terms of data-points displayed. Overall, I think it's one of the best visualization on mobile tracking in terms of its content and presentation.