Data journalism

Data journalism

by Deleted user -
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The article presented by the newspaper El País on February 1, 2020 about Brexit. My attention is drawn to the breakdown it makes, by presenting figures for the approval of Brexit and the consequences it brings to the EU and the United Kingdom.

The article begins by presenting us with a tour from the referendum held on June 23, 2016, evidencing by means of figures the opinion of citizens regarding the abandonment of the United Kingdom to the EU. Then he shows us the consequences of leaving the United Kingdom to the EU with figures on issues such as; population and territory, commerce and tourism, defense and institutions. In each of these topics they are supported with statistics and figures. Very dynamic that facilitate the reading of the article.

I think that the article is quite dynamic in its graphics and presents the information in a very simple way. But it would gregaría a little more graphics that will delve deeper into the subject.

I attach the link: