This set of infographics is part of a multimedia project about the (un)sustainability of fashion, divided into 4 sections. Data was used in two different ways: in the three text sections, data was refered to contextualize information; the fourth part (the set of infographics) was the visualization of some of the data refered in the texts and many more indicators
In the texts, data was not used in a investigative way - it did not reveal something that has been hidden before. Data was taken from public reports, many of them from activist organizations, that gave context to the reporting.
The infographics (the 4th part of the project) was determinant to show - to really visualize - the dimention of this globalized issue. Fashion is an industry that involves many actors through different countries, with huge ambiental, social and even human rights impact. The data aggregated in the 4th part made it easier to see, for example, the production and consumption cycle of the clothes, the huge amount of different materials produced, the water consumption and pollution effects and CO2 emissions, and the gendered and racist nature of work exploration.