Effects of COVID 19 on Global Market

Effects of COVID 19 on Global Market

by Deleted user -
Number of replies: 3


Since December,2019 when the WHO announced the outbreak of the Coronavirus also known as COVID 19.The effect have been deadly on the global market.

The link above gave a data visualization showing the difference between when SARs broke out 2003.The impact of COVID-19 outbreak on the global economy could be more severe than the impacts of the other major outbreaks in recent history e.g.: SARS (2002-2003), MERS-CoV (2012 -), A/H1N1 (2009-2010) or Ebola (2013-2016). For many reasons - the origin of the COVID-19 should be compared to SARS pandemics which originated from the Chinese Guangdong.

In reply to Deleted user

Re: Effects of COVID 19 on Global Market

by Deleted user -

Thanks for this! The link shared really does help in visualizing, comparing and giving context to the Coronavirus outbreak. 

In reply to Deleted user

Re: Effects of COVID 19 on Global Market

by Deleted user -

Thanks for your observation.

It was a comparism between the effects of SARs outbreak in 2001 on global market and that of COVID 19 on global market.

In reply to Deleted user

Re: Effects of COVID 19 on Global Market

by Deleted user -

This is a great example. I really like how each data chart was accompanied with necessary information, but wasn't drowned out with too much explanation. They complemented each other. Good find! And such an important thing to explain to people. The visuals really helped bring the issue into perspective.