How New Zealand was built on stolen indigenous land

How New Zealand was built on stolen indigenous land

by Deleted user -
Number of replies: 1

This project involved a core team and a range of journalists across our organisation. It's focus was on one of the most contentious issues in New Zealand, the treaty settlement process between Māori (the indigenous people) and the Crown (government acting on behalf of Queen Elizabeth). 

Our data team pulled a vast amount of data together to develop interactive maps and tables of every tribe that had settled its claim. It also had an interactive of Māori land ownership over time.

These graphics had a really strong visual impact on readers. The data was also used to write a number of stories in this project. Academic institutions and researchers took our data for their own work.

In reply to Deleted user

Re: How New Zealand was built on stolen indigenous land

by Deleted user -


That is excellent work, very informative for me as an Australian.


Mark Skulley