Hello and welcome to Investigative Reporting in the Digital Age —we’re glad you’re joining our virtual I-team for this four-week journey into investigative reporting.

First, start by checking out the syllabus for the course. It lays out the course’s goals, what we’ll go over each week, and explains more about the background and skills of our team of MOOC instructors: Lise Olsen, Texas Observer; Alejandra Xanic of Quinto Elemento, Lee Zurik of Fox News NOLA and Denise Malan, of Investigative Reporters & Editors.. Together, we have decades of experience in cross-border investigations, collaborations, crowd-sourcing, broadcast journalism and datajournalism.

Then check out the welcome video here, and be sure to read through the introductory tipsheet with 10 ways to start planning your own investigation.  It’s our hope that you will end this class with a whole bag full of new ideas and skills you can immediately use on your next reporting trip.

Lise Olsen

Senior Reporter & Editor

The Texas Observer and your host for Week 1

Last modified: Thursday, 25 April 2024, 11:14 AM